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raster data中文是什么意思

用"raster data"造句"raster data"怎么读"raster data" in a sentence


  • 光栅数据
  • 栅格数据


  • Employing raster data model for data processing and integration , and
  • In the raster data model , the map s accuracy also depends on the map s scale
  • Take advantage of raster - to - vector conversion , raster editing , and raster data preparation capabilities
  • The library gives programmers a common data model covering all raster data formats and - through ogr - vector data formats
    该库为编程人员提供了通用的数据模型,包括所有栅格数据格式和矢量数据格式(通过ogr ) 。
  • However , storage might not be quite as important for raster data , whose spatial component likely contains fairly simple numerical data
  • Programmers must take only a few higher - level constructs into account , although most programmers regard raster data as cumbersome and memory - intensive
  • Vector data require far less storage than raster data because arc node lists simplify and reduce the data required to make sense of the features contained in the map
  • The paper proposes an algorithm with high performance for raster data dynamic scheduling . experiment shows that the algorithm is very efficient in applications of three - dimension terrain visualization
  • ( 3 ) the function of spatial analysis of gis is made full use of . the fundamental methods and work process with the analysis function of spatial overlap of raster data to have a hazard assessment of landslide are found out
    ( 3 )在研究中充分利用了地理信息系统的空间分析功能,摸索出了利用栅格数据的空间叠加分析功能,进行滑坡危险性评价的基本方法和工作流程。
  • Then the distributed computing strategies of spatial information is discussed as a whole , the strategy together with the spatial object , spatial relationship , raster data is designed , realizes the distributed computing strategies and algorithm
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"raster data"造句  


A raster data structure is based on a (usually rectangular, square-based) tessellation of the 2D plane into cells. In the example the cells of tessellation A is overlayed on the point pattern B resulting in an array C of quadrat counts representing the number of points in each cell.
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